Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dutch Treat is getting longer

After six months of no additional stores, word on the street is a new Dutch Bros location is going in next month in Kelso, Washington. The ride is now 157 locations in 157 hours. This store poses no problem since my route from Lacy, WA to St. Helens, OR had me traveling right through Kelso anyway. The bigger question is what other stores might open between now and mid-June.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well, not really a hovercraft, Moose is legless. The forks and Ohlins shock I purchased from GP Suspension 50K miles ago are due for a rebuild. Thanks to Ky for helping out and to Dick McWay and H Marc Lewis for the excellent how-to over at It came in very, very handy.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dutch Treat! is a go.

It's official; the decision has been made. In May or June I'll be conducting another fundraiser for Shelly's House of Salem Oregon ( In 2009 I rode to every prison is Oregon and raised over $4,000 for the house. This year I,ll be riding to every Dutch Bros Coffee location in the nation. Dutch Treat! will have me riding about 5,000 miles in 7 days and visiting 156 stores plus the corporate HQ in Merlin, Oregon. 156 locations in 156 hours. Once again the ride will be internet interactive. I'll be mobile blogging during the ride and my location will be posted in real time on the 'net. Periodic updates to follow.