Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Money Bags

A tank bag is one of the central features of my LD ‘office’.  Covering a lot of miles in a short time means few stops.  LD riders learn to do many things while riding and that requires that our supplies be accessible.  The tank bag is indispensable for carrying those supplies.  The problem becomes one of organization.

My tank bag used to resemble the house junk draw.  It’s handy because you know where everything is, but it’s a pain because you can’t find anything.  Locating that tube of Chapstick becomes an exercise in futility as every small item settles to the bottom and every large item has floated to the top.  I’ve seen women have similar experiences with their purses.

Enter the clear vinyl bag.  OfficeMax used to market these as deposit bags.  Now they’re sold as see-through “wallets” to easy your transit through security checkpoints that are increasing become a part of our lives.  Perhaps making large bank deposit with clear vinyl bags just made it too easy on the robbers.

Either way, for me the bag has been a great way to keep all the small tank bag necessities in one general location.  It’s easy to locate exactly what I’m looking for (usually, the ibuprofen) and gets my eyes back on the road that much quicker.  I don’t recall if I discovered this idea on my own or blatantly stole it from someone else.  If it was the later, thanks to you forgotten magi.  Your trick is wise.

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