Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Friendly Skies

Imagine you're on Highway 327 just out of Easterville, Manitoba. You've just gotten a photo of your bike in front of Griffin's Lucky Dollar Foods and are heading back to rally HQ in Pittsburgh. You're feeling pretty smug thinking that no other rider was brave enough to risk riding in this moose-infested country. Then you meet said 45 miles an hour. As Bullwinkle wanders off into the night you do I get to the nearest hospital? MedJet, that's how. In 2009, the IBR began requiring riders to have medivac insurance. It's another one of the costs that goes along with participating in the world's toughest motorcycle event (obviously, someone has never heard of the Dakar Rally). I could have purchased just enough to cover the rally, but the cost wasn't much more for a years worth of coverage. While I was at it, I splurged and got the bike recovery option as well. There's some piece of mind in knowing that should the worst happen, both me and my bike will make it home.

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